Hostname is a unique identifier of a computer on a network. This tutorial details ways in which you can change your Ubuntu 20.04 machine's hostname, using command line or GUI.
Hostname is a unique identifier of a computer on a network. This tutorial details ways in which you can change your Ubuntu 20.04 machine's hostname, using command line or GUI.
Nginx is an open-source application used for managing web servers, load balancing, and security. This tutorial offers a step-by-step guide for installing and configuring Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04.
Docker Compose is used to launch, execute, communicate, and close containers with a single coordinated command. It is used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. Follow this step-by-step guide to install Docker Compose on Ubuntu 20.04.
Ansible is a management system that helps you manage a large number of servers without the need for any specialized tools or formats.
This guide covers the steps for installing Ansible on Ubuntu 20.04.
Install ClickHouse quickly on Ubuntu 20.04 with the instructions provided in this tutorial. We cover everything you need before you install this tool, and we also show you how to get started with ClickHouse.
This guide shows you how to secure your Nginx with Let’s Encrypt that generates SSL/TLS certificates for your domain. In addition, you will learn how to enabled Certbot to renew certificates automatically.
This article helps you install Ubuntu 20.04 on your machine. The latest Ubuntu Focal Fossa was released on April 23, 2020 and is a LTS release. The release will receive support and updates until April 2025.
Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is the newest Ubuntu LTS release. You can upgrade to the latest release from an existing 18.04 or 19.10 system in a couple of simple steps.